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January 31, 2003
NYT belatedly realizes ignoring the news won't work...
After refusing to acknowledge that 8 European Prime Ministers were failing to follow the "Axis of Weasel" line laid out by Paris and Bonn, the Howellburo was forced to switch to damage control mode. But do not despair;
By another calculation, 10 of the 15 existing European Union members did not sign the letter, reflecting profound unease from the Aegean Sea to the Arctic Circle. Germany insisted today that it was not isolated in Europe and issued a counterappeal for unity along lines agreed on by foreign ministers only four days ago. "The strength of the union is in its common position," a government spokesman said.
On 43rd Street, at least, the "Axis of Weasel" holds firm
January 31, 2003 at 01:19 AM | Permalink
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