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January 28, 2003
You gotta love the Postal Service...
What is it about the USPS that makes their employees go nuts so regularly?   Or is it just the law of large numbers at work?
Woman is made to walk naked before co-workersAkron- A U.S. Postal Service manager was forced to disrobe and walk naked in front of about a dozen employees yesterday morning by a colleague who threatened to kill her unless she complied.
Lonnie Wilson, 60, who planned to retire on Friday, is in Summit County Jail, charged with kidnapping, aggravated menacing and gross sexual imposition.
"We have no idea what led to this," Terrence Sullivan, a postal inspector from Cleveland, said. "They didn't work together, and we can't understand why this occurred." [Continued here]
BTW, I never heard of "gross sexual imposition" before.   Is this something new?
January 28, 2003 at 06:43 PM | Permalink
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