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July 09, 2003
Aux armes citoyens!
Those wacky French are at it again, striking against cruel cutbacks to their welfare state. It appears that French arts workers, in protest against proposed changes in unemployment benefits, are seeking to stop the Avignon festival and a Rolling Stones concert. Here's what they are striking about, according to the BBC:
At present, unemployment benefit is given to everyone who works in the arts - including buskers and comedians.
Currently, if they work 507 hours a year, they can claim for the rest. The government says there is too much scope for abuse - but the strikers say the new rules are an attempt to ruin the arts.
Under the new plans, artists will have to work for 507 hours over 10 and a half months to earn eight months of benefits.
Absurd. But, to be honest, I just wanted to write about this non-story so that I could include this great AP photo I found in the NY Sun.

If, like me, you find yourself inspired by this photo to sing a few verses of La Marseillaise you can find the words, music and some great recordings of it here.
July 9, 2003 at 11:19 AM | Permalink
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