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July 31, 2003
Reports from the frontlines
One of the best things about the web is that it enables ordinary folks to write about their first hand observations and experiences and share them with a potentially huge audience. When these ordinary people are in the middle of extraordinary events (like the occupation of Iraq, for example) these observations can be a very useful source of information.
Here are some recent posts that I have stumbled across from soldiers on duty in Iraq.
- Lt. Col. Mike Sawyers (JAG Reserve), stationed near the Baghdad Airport, reporting on local reactions to the news that Uday and Qusay had been killed. (From the Braden Files.)
- Commander of 1st Brigade, 1st Armored Division ("Pete"?), reporting on conditions in his area of operations in central Baghdad, east of the Euphrates. (Also from the Braden Files.)
- Army Special Operations Officer, writing to some of his Spec Ops buddies back home, on life in Baghdad in mid July. (From the Free Republic via the American Digest.)
Also, be sure to read any one of a number of posts from these military bloggers based in or near Iraq:
Finally, the always interesting Salam Pax is worth reading to see what at least one educated, articulate Iraqi thinks about what's going on.
July 31, 2003 at 11:30 AM | Permalink
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IF you are able to get word to LTC. Mike Sawyers JAG Reserve, stationed in Baghdad, lease let him know that we are very PROUD of him and are praying for his safe return. He is a very old and dear friend of mine.
Posted by: Rhonda Baker | Aug 20, 2003 3:30:49 PM
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