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September 28, 2003

Anti-Americanism in Germany

Reading Tim Blair's blog, I followed a link to this excellent German blog featuring examples and criticism of leftist, anti-American bias in the German media.   Here are some examples of interesting recent posts:

I really enjoy finding sites that provide another perspective on foreign public opinion.   Into the Blogroll with Davids Medienkritik.

September 28, 2003 at 04:55 PM | Permalink


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fuck america they desever 2 die death 2 america

Posted by: | Mar 23, 2004 10:10:51 PM

ok first of all how can you say fuck America? We Americans have done so much good that you seem to forget all about. Yes, we may have done some screwed up things in the past but we haven't recently, and if you think that the U.S. going to war with Iraq is dumb then you need to realize that we were ATTACKED!! Two planes FULL of innocent people and the twin towers died for no reason. They have families and little children at home who never get to see thier family members again because of those Iraq mother fuckers so dont you dare say that Americans deserve to die.Which by the way you didn't even spell deserve right. We would do anything to help another country and we stand by eachother you asshole. Learn the facts before you criticize you ignorant dumbass.

Posted by: | Sep 14, 2004 1:59:42 AM

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