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April 02, 2004
Today's NY Post has a couple of good opinion pieces on the UN Oil-for-Palaces scandal. The paper's editorial calls for Kofi Annan's ouster as Secretary General, describing the UN under his leadership as a "corrupt enterprise". There is also an OpEd by Andrew Apostolou providing more details on the program's French connection and its unfair treatment of Iraqi Kurds.
Predictably, today's NYT lead editorial has a different view of the situation. Responding to the murder and public mutilation of American civilian contractors this week in Falluja, the Times calls on the US to turn over control of Iraq's future to UN leadership:
Decisions will not be any easier to make after the election, and policy choices still available today may have evaporated in six months. That especially applies to the course this page has long championed: a more multilateral approach under the United Nations' leadership. The chances of achieving that are slowly ebbing as the Bush administration's arbitrary June 30 deadline for handing power to Iraqis approaches with no workable political architecture in sight.yada yada...
April 2, 2004 at 10:27 AM | Permalink
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