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September 26, 2004
John Kerry, gun nut
John Kerry owns an assault rifle?! (It's in the NYT, so it must be true.)
Oh well, it was too good to be true anyway. The NYT is now reporting that Kerry doesn't own an assault rifle after all. Evidently, the rifle in question is a 100 year old Russian bolt action model that was reportedly used by the Vietcong and given to Kerry "by a friend years ago." A campaign spokesman said that Kerry had never fired it.
Bizarrely, the four page "interview" with the presidential candidates that had appeared in the magazine Outdoor Life was actually a series of written questions that were answered by staffers. I guess the editors of the magazine (which is owned by Time Warner Inc., parent of CNN, among other things) are continuing to maintain the high journalistic standards of that organization.
September 26, 2004 at 01:13 PM | Permalink
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