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January 19, 2005

Proof of Syrian and Iranian Interference in Iraq?

You would think that this MEMRI translation of a taped interview with the Commander of Saddam Hussein's "Army of Muhammad" confessing that his group had received military and financial aid from government sources in Iran and Syria would have received at least some attention from the MSM. The interview was broadcast on an Iraqi TV channel based in the UAE last Friday, but I have yet to see anything about it in the western press. Here is an excerpt:

. . . Many factions of the resistance are receiving aid from the neighboring countries. We in the Army of Muhammad - the fighting has been going on for almost two years now, and there must be aid, and this aid came from the neighboring countries. We got aid primarily from Iran. The truth is that Iran has played a significant role in supporting the Army of Muhammad and many factions of the resistance. I have some units, especially in southern Iraq, which receive Iranian aid in the form of arms and equipment."

Interrogator: "You're referring to units of the Army of Muhammad?"

Muayed Al-Nasseri: "Yes. They received money and weapons. As for other factions of the resistance, I have reliable information regarding the National Islamic resistance, which is one of the factions of resistance, led by Colonel 'Asi Al Hadithi. He sent a delegation to Iran from among the people of the faction, including General Halaf and General Khdayyer. They were sent to Iran in April or May and met with Iranian intelligence and with a number of Iranian leaders and even with Khamenei."

"You mean they personally met with Khamenei?"

Muayed Al-Nasseri: "According to my information, they met with him personally, and they were given one million dollars and two cars full of weapons. They still have a very close relationship with Iran. They receive money, cars, weapons, and many things. According to my information, they even got car bombs."

The interview goes on to describe official aid from Syria, beginning during the latter part of 2003.

January 19, 2005 at 07:55 PM | Permalink


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