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February 19, 2005
Gannon deserves a job
Howard Kurtz has an interview with Jeff Gannon, the White House correspondent who resigned after being outed by liberal bloggers, in today's WaPo. Gannon (née Guckert) asks:
"Why would they be looking into a person's sexual history? Is that what we're going to do to reporters now? Is there some kind of litmus test for reporters? Is it right to hold someone's sexuality against them?"According to Kurtz, Gannon has not given up his hope of continuing a career in journalism.
Personally, I hope he succeeds, not only because we need more outspoken gay conservatives, but also to prevent the hypocritical lowlives who outed him from winning.
February 19, 2005 at 05:59 PM | Permalink
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These same slime balls who outted Gannon were likely among the parrots spouting the "it's just about sex" and "it's his private life" when Clinton lied to a federal judge.
Imagine if any Republican had outted a gay Democrat! Can you hear the howling?
Posted by: Mike | Feb 23, 2005 5:33:06 AM
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