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May 15, 2005

Rich people behaving badly

One of life's guilty pleasures is enjoying the sight of overpriveleged assholes being publicly humiliated in print. Based upon Joyce Wadler's fascinating article in today's NYT Sunday Styles section (aptly-titled "A Tale of Diamonds and Mud"), Sean Wilsey's soon-to-be-released memoir promises to be a lot of fun, assuming you like your schadenfreude served raw. Social X-rays on the half-shell, anyone?

The book did not disappoint, though there is more to it than simply the appalling behavior of spoiled rich people. It is also a surprisingly moving story about the love between a son and his (deeply flawed) father. The portraits of life among the rich and chic of San Francisco during the sixties and seventies was also fascinating. Definitely worth reading.

May 15, 2005 at 01:34 PM | Permalink


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