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October 06, 2005

Feeding Pinch to the Mooses?

Slate's Mickey Kaus continues having fun with TimesSelect. His latest salvo is the observation that WaPo's stock has outperformed the NYT's by more than 50% this year.

(The moose crack relates to this story from the bad old days of Howell Raines, when "Pinch" Sulzberger appeared on stage at an NYT town hall-style emergency staff meeting carrying a stuffed toy moose. For the truth on the moose's significance, look here.)

Interestingly, Kaus 'fesses up to having signed up for TimesSelect. I'm tempted myself, not because I miss my weekly dose of MoDo (though Brooks, Tierney, Kristof and (occasionally) Friedman are missed), but because of the free access to the NYT's very useful archives. Maybe I'll break down and sign up when they expand the archive access back to the pre-1981 articles.

October 6, 2005 at 06:20 AM | Permalink


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