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February 21, 2006

Dropping The Pilot

Larry Summers resigned today as President of Harvard University, having been nibbled to death by ducks. This is very bad news for Harvard.

Stanley Kurtz, at the NRO's Corner, observes that it is a bad idea to appease tyrants. He's right of course, but the advocates of campus political correctness really only used the issue as a club to attack Summers. The real question was governance: would Harvard continue to be run by and for its professoriate or would adult supervision be imposed? With Summers' resignation, the answer is sadly clear.

I suspect that many alumni (including myself) are going to rethink their level of financial support for the institution.

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Professor Alan Dershowitz (whom rarely see eye-to-eye with) is not pleased either.

February 21, 2006 at 03:56 PM | Permalink


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