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April 02, 2006

A Clockwork Orange in the Banlieues

The UK Sunday Times' Matthew Campbell has a horrifying account of the details emerging from the recent kidnap, torture and murder of a young jewish cell phone salesman in Paris:

THE pretty schoolgirl known as Yalda wore tight white trousers and thigh-high boots to the rendezvous. Her target, a young Jewish telephone salesman, quickly fell under her spell. He meekly followed her when she suggested a nightcap at her place.

It would be his last date.

The testimony of this 17-year-old femme fatale who happily offered herself as “bait” in the kidnapping of Ilan Halimi, whose tortured body was found on wasteland, has shocked a country which is haunted by a painful history of anti-semitism.

Yalda’s only moment of doubt came when she heard Halimi’s shrieks as he was carried away by thugs in balaclava helmets. “He screamed for two minutes, with a high-pitched voice like a girl,” she told investigators.

She soon forgot, however. . .

To be fair to the French, we have our share of this kind of horrific crap here in the US. (For example, look at this recent Brooklyn kidnap/murder.) But what is truly terrifying about the French situation is the ethnic, religious and political dimensions of the problem. France has a large, disaffected, underclass that is a perfect breeding ground for jihadist terror. Think I'm overreacting? Check out this story from AFP. (Hat tip to ¡No Pasaran!)

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April 2, 2006 at 05:28 PM | Permalink


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